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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

Texting While Driving At Issue In Homicide Case

Lawmakers in every state have struggled to come up with ways to address the threat of drivers looking at their phones instead of at the road ahead of them. In New York, using a handheld telephone or portable electronic device…

Study Finds Widespread Problems With Breathalyzer Devices

When they have pulled over a driver on suspicion of drunk driving, police have several ways of collecting evidence to show that a driver was intoxicated. They write up a report in which they document their observations, including the words…

How Many Points Can I Accrue Before I Lose My License?

New York’s Driver Violation Point System is confusing to many drivers. Many people do not realize how close they are to losing their driver’s license until someone alerts them to how many points are on their record. The big number…

Can I Legally Use My Phone For Navigation While Driving?

New York’s law against texting while driving is strict. It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile device while you drive. This means you can’t talk on a phone if you’re holding it while driving. You can’t use your phone…

License Restrictions For Repeat Offenders

New York’s drunk driving laws impose harsh penalties for a first offense, but they get much harsher if the driver offends again. A repeat offense doesn’t mean just another offense within a year or two; the time period covered can…

Do Cameras Mean Safer Streets, Or Just More Traffic Tickets?

For years, activists have urged New York City to do something to protect pedestrians from traffic accidents. The city’s latest answer? A network of cameras that will monitor the streets, detect cars that are going too fast, and send their…

New York’s Zero Tolerance Law

Vehicle accidents are a common cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 20, and in an effort to make driving safer for individuals in this age bracket, many states have adopted zero tolerance laws. Our…

What Is Inattentive Driving?

Distracted driving is the general term that New Yorkers may use to refer to any activity that takes a driver’s attention off of the road. Often times, distracted driving is caused by cell phone use. Texting and driving, making phone…

Special Rules Apply At Train Crossings

Many goods are carried through the state of New York on trains. These massive vehicles are an efficient way to haul large loads over long distances. Because trains travel on tracks that may cross the roads that readers drive on,…

Passing At Crosswalks Can Result In Traffic Violations

In cities like New York, pedestrian traffic can be as heavy as roadway traffic. The streets and sidewalks of the city can clog with individuals walking and jogging to their destinations, often while talking on their phones, listening to music,…



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