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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

Fight Speeding Tickets to Protect Your Driving Record

A person’s driving record is the list of traffic offenses and citations that they have amassed over time when behind the wheel of a car. A person who is convicted of speeding, failing to yield, running red lights or other…

You Can Be Ticketed for Driving Below the Speed Limit in NY

Many times, often due simply to the flow of traffic, a person in New York may drive above the posted speed limit. While they may feel justified in doing so, the fact remains that speeding is against the law in…

Don’t Believe Everything You Hear About Traffic Violations

People in New York may have seen an image on Facebook or another social media account that has gone viral, depicting a ticket for distracted driving in the state of New York in the amount of $850. Despite the fact…

Navigate A Distracted Driving Ticket Carefull

Smart phones have become an almost omnipresent element of our lives and although many New York drivers know that using a cell phone while on the road is frowned upon by the state, it still does happen from time to…

Work with Legal Counsel to Address Search and Seizure in DUIs

We’ve been looking in recent posts at the topic of texting while driving, and the proposal to allow police officers to use devices giving them the ability to search drivers’ phones to determine whether they were texting prior to an…

Proposed Textalyzer Technology Targets Texting and Driving

Previously, we began discussing the widespread problem of texting and driving, and an emerging technology that could help address the issue. The Textalyzer, as we noted, would allow law enforcement officers to determine whether a motorist had been involved in…

Textalyzer Technology Proposed to Combat Texting and Driving

Cell phone use while driving, as readers know, is one of the biggest issues we face when it comes to highway safety nowadays. The widespread use of smartphones and other connected devices is a primary contributor to the problem. Of…

Work With Skilled Legal Counsel To Fight Drugged Driving Charges

Last time, we began looking at some of the special issues that need to be considered in drugged driving cases, whether based on use of prescription medication or illegal drugs. First of all, we noted, because there is no legal…

Tiger Woods Arrest Raises DUI Concerns Over Prescription Drug Use

Previously, we began looking at the fairly recent arrest of Tiger Woods for DUI and his subsequent statement that his impairment was due to an unexpected reaction to prescription drugs. As we mentioned last time, there are special issues to…

Tiger Woods Arrest Highlights DUI Charges for Prescription Drugs

New York readers may have heard that golf legend Tiger Woods was arrested at the end of May near his home in Florida and later charged with driving under the influence. According to police records, Woods had been asleep at…



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New York, NY 10007
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