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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

NY Court of Appeals Approves Unlimited License Plate Scanning

Drivers cannot reasonably expect any privacy in their license plate numbers, according to New York’s highest court. After considering the question for the first time, the court held that law enforcement may use license plate scanners at will — even…

Increased State Police Presence in NYC Leads to More Tickets

Traffic tickets are presumably issued in order to ensure motorists follow traffic rules and regulations, to make the road safer for everybody. The issuance of traffic tickets is not always based purely and simply on these motives, though. Behind the…

Challenge NY Distracted Driving Tickets with an Attorney

Last time, we looked briefly at New York law concerning the use of mobile telephones while driving, including the presumption concerning holding a mobile telephone and exceptions to the rule. In addition to prohibiting talking on cell phones while driving,…

Work with an Attorney to Challenge NY Distracted Driving Tickets

Previously, we began looking at the topic of distracted driving, and specifically the challenges officers face in enforcing distracted driving laws. These challenges have not, however, stopped authorities from aggressive, ongoing efforts to enforce these laws. Of the 15,000 tickets…

Enforcement of Distracted Driving Laws Still Challenges Officers

Distracted driving, as readers know, is a major concern when it comes to roadway safety nowadays. The use of smartphones and other mobile devices is certainly very prevalent, and public safety education has done little to ensure drivers make safe…

Drunk Driving Penalties in NY and the Role of an Attorney

Previously, we began looking at the penalties that drunken driving can face in the state of New York. As we noted, the specific penalties imposed on an offender—both in terms of jail time and fines, as well as license suspension…

Penalties for Drunk Driving in NY and How an Attorney Can Help

In drunken driving cases where it is not possible to have the case dismissed or charges thrown out, the goal is to hold the state to its full burden in proving the alleged charges, and to minimize the penalties imposed…

Vision Zero Pushes NYC Authorities to Target Reckless Drivers

In our last post, we began looking at Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero program and the intentional focus the program has put on reckless and negligent drivers. As we noted last time, the high vision of the program and the…

De Blasio’s Vision Zero Puts Focus on Reckless Drivers in NYC

Back in 2014, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced what is known as Vision Zero, a program created to reduce traffic fatalities. The program, which is partly based on a Swedish model, is aimed especially at addressing pedestrian…

NYC Taxi Drivers Arrested For Participation In Scam

A December arrest of NYC cabdrivers provides yet another warning to those who fail to review their credit card statements before providing payment. 12 drivers have been charged with grand larceny for their part in stealing almost $40,000 from individuals…



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