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Drivers May Have More Points Taken Away the Faster They Speed

Drivers May Have More Points Taken Away the Faster They Speed

When playing a video game, a person may wish to drive as fast as possible to get the most points they can. However, drivers in New York are probably aware that fast driving and points are not good for their driving records. In fact, when a driver accumulates too many points on their license, they may lose their driving privileges.

Under the New York State Driver Point System, points are assigned to drivers’ licenses for illegal actions. Speeding is one action that is penalized with points and the amount over the speed limit that a driver is alleged to have driven will dictate how many points are assigned. For example, while allegedly driving one to ten miles per hour over the speed limit will result in three points assigned to a driver’s license, allegedly driving 21 to 30 miles per hour over the limit will result in six points being assigned.

When a driver reaches 11 points on their record and those 11 points were accrued during an 18-month period, a driver may have their license suspended. The suspension of one’s license can have a serious and detrimental effect on their life, as they may be limited in their capacity to go to work and take care of their loved ones.

Fighting speeding tickets may not always be a driver’s first inclination, but it can be an important part of protecting their right to drive. Attorneys are knowledgeable about the law and prepared to offer effective strategies to their clients to avoid license points and losses due to alleged prohibited conduct.




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