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How To Beat a Leaving the Scene of an Accident Ticket

How To Beat a Leaving the Scene of an Accident Ticket

Have you recently received a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident in New York? This can be a serious offense with potentially severe consequences. Being involved in an accident is stressful enough, but facing legal repercussions for leaving the scene can add even more pressure. It’s important to understand your rights and options when dealing with a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed, The Law Office of Craig Bondy is here to help.

How To Beat a Leaving the Scene of an Accident Ticket

What Constitutes Leaving the Scene of an Accident in New York?

Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious offense in New York, carrying significant legal consequences. Understanding what actions constitute this violation is crucial for anyone involved in a traffic accident. Here’s an overview of what it means to leave the scene of an accident in New York and the potential ramifications:

Legal Definition

In New York, the law requires drivers involved in an accident to stop and remain at the scene. This applies to accidents resulting in property damage, personal injury, or death. Specifically, New York Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) Sections 600(1) and 600(2) outline the duties of drivers in such situations:

  • Property Damage (VTL § 600(1)): If you are involved in an accident that results in damage to another vehicle or property, you must stop, provide your name, address, insurance information, and driver’s license number to the other party involved. If the damaged property is unattended, you must leave a note with your information and notify the police.
  • Personal Injury or Death (VTL § 600(2)): If the accident results in injury or death, you must stop immediately, provide assistance to the injured parties, and exchange information as required. Additionally, you must report the accident to the police as soon as possible.

Key Elements

For a charge of leaving the scene of an accident to be valid, certain key elements must be present:

  • Knowledge of the Accident: The driver must have been aware that an accident occurred. This can sometimes be a point of contention, particularly in minor collisions where the driver may claim they were unaware of the impact.
  • Failure to Stop and Remain: The driver must have failed to stop at the scene and remain there to fulfill their legal obligations. Simply driving away without providing the necessary information or assistance constitutes leaving the scene.
  • Lack of Reasonable Assistance: In cases of injury or death, failing to provide reasonable assistance, such as calling emergency services or aiding the injured, can aggravate the offense.

Understanding what constitutes leaving the scene of an accident is the first step in defending against such charges. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we have extensive experience helping clients navigate these complex legal challenges. If you’ve been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, contact us today for expert legal advice and representation.

How Much is a Leaving the Scene of an Accident Ticket in NYC?

The cost of a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident in New York City varies significantly depending on the circumstances of the incident. The penalties can range from fines and surcharges to severe criminal charges, especially when personal injury or death is involved. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the potential costs and penalties associated with leaving the scene of an accident in NYC:

Fines and Surcharges

  • Property Damage (VTL § 600(1)): If the incident involves only property damage, the offense is typically treated as a traffic infraction. The fines for this can range from $250 to $500. Additionally, there may be mandatory state surcharges, which can add another $88 to $93 to the total amount.
  • Personal Injury (VTL § 600(2)(a)): If the accident results in personal injury but not serious physical injury, leaving the scene is considered a misdemeanor. The fines for a misdemeanor can range from $500 to $1,000. Along with fines, you may also face state surcharges.
  • Serious Injury or Death (VTL § 600(2)(c)): If the accident results in serious physical injury or death, leaving the scene can be charged as a felony. Fines for a felony offense can range from $1,000 to $5,000. As with other offenses, state surcharges will also apply.

The costs of a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident in NYC can be substantial and far-reaching. From fines and surcharges to points on your license, increased insurance premiums, and potential jail time, the consequences are serious.

Penalties of a Hit and Run

The penalties for a hit and run, also known as leaving the scene of an accident, extend beyond fines and can have significant and lasting impacts on various aspects of your life. These penalties vary depending on the circumstances of the accident, such as whether it involved property damage, personal injury, or death. Here’s a detailed look at the non-monetary penalties associated with a hit and run in New York:

Criminal Record

A conviction for a hit and run, especially if it involves injury or death, results in a permanent criminal record. This record can affect your future employment opportunities, ability to rent housing, and eligibility for professional licenses. Having a criminal record can also impact your personal reputation and relationships.

Jail or Prison Time

If the hit and run involves personal injury, you could face up to a year in jail. The exact length of the sentence depends on the specifics of the case and the judge’s discretion. For hit and run accidents resulting in serious injury or death, the penalties include significant prison time. Felony convictions can lead to sentences ranging from several years to up to 7 years in state prison. Repeat offenders or cases with aggravating factors can result in even longer sentences.

License Suspension or Revocation

Even in cases involving only property damage, your driver’s license could be suspended for an extended period. This suspension can disrupt your daily life, making it difficult to commute to work, attend school, or manage personal responsibilities.

In more severe cases, such as those involving serious injury or death, your driver’s license could be revoked for several years or even permanently. Reinstatement of your driving privileges may require meeting specific conditions, such as completing a driver rehabilitation program or undergoing a hearing.


Instead of or in addition to jail time, the court may impose a period of supervised probation. During probation, you must comply with various conditions set by the court, such as regular check-ins with a probation officer, maintaining employment, and avoiding further legal trouble. Violating probation terms can lead to additional penalties, including incarceration.

Community Service

Courts often impose community service as part of the sentence for a hit and run conviction. This can involve hundreds of hours of unpaid work in the community, which must be completed within a specified timeframe. Failure to complete community service requirements can result in additional legal consequences.


Beyond fines, you may be ordered to pay restitution to the victims for their losses. Restitution can cover medical expenses, property repairs, lost wages, and other related costs. This financial burden can be substantial, adding to the overall impact of the conviction.

Increased Insurance Premiums

A hit and run conviction will result in significantly higher auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies view such convictions as high-risk behavior, leading to steep rate increases. In some cases, your insurer may cancel your policy altogether, making it difficult to obtain affordable coverage.

Personal and Professional Impact

A criminal record and the stigma of a hit and run conviction can make it difficult to find and keep a job. Many employers conduct background checks, and a conviction can be a barrier to employment in various fields. Certain educational and professional licensing bodies may also deny admission or certification to individuals with a criminal record, limiting your career prospects. Additionally, a hit and run conviction can affect your personal relationships and social standing. The stigma associated with such an offense can be long-lasting and challenging to overcome.

The penalties for a hit and run in New York are extensive and far-reaching, going well beyond fines. They include potential jail or prison time, loss of driving privileges, probation, community service, restitution, increased insurance costs, civil liability, and significant personal and professional impacts. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we understand the gravity of these penalties and are dedicated to providing robust legal defense to protect your rights and future. If you’ve been charged with a hit and run, contact us today to discuss your case and explore your options for a strong defense.

How To Beat a Leaving the Scene of An Accident Ticket

Being charged with leaving the scene of an accident is a serious offense in New York, but there are several strategies that can be employed to fight the ticket and potentially avoid severe penalties. Here are some key approaches to consider when defending against a leaving the scene of an accident charge:

1. Lack of Knowledge

One of the primary defenses is proving that you were unaware an accident occurred. If you genuinely did not realize that a collision happened, you might be able to argue that you did not have the required knowledge to fulfill your legal obligations. This defense can be particularly relevant in cases involving minor impacts or situations where the noise and circumstances of the environment made it difficult to detect the collision.

2. No Damage or Injury

Another defense is demonstrating that the incident did not result in significant damage or injury. If there was no property damage or personal injury, it can be argued that the requirements for stopping and providing information were not triggered. This defense requires thorough documentation and, ideally, witness testimony to support your claim.

3. Fulfilling Legal Obligations

If you did stop and provide the necessary information or made a reasonable effort to report the accident to the authorities, you may be able to argue that you complied with your legal obligations. Keeping records of your attempts to exchange information and report the incident can be crucial evidence in your defense.

4. Emergency Situations

In some cases, you may have left the scene due to an emergency situation. For instance, if you needed to seek immediate medical attention for yourself or a passenger, this can be a valid defense. Providing evidence of the emergency, such as medical records or witness statements, can help substantiate your claim.

5. Misidentification

Mistaken identity can be another defense. If you believe you have been wrongly identified as the driver involved in the hit and run, you can challenge the prosecution’s evidence. This might involve presenting an alibi, providing witness testimony, or questioning the accuracy of the identification.

6. Insufficient Evidence

Challenging the sufficiency and reliability of the prosecution’s evidence is a fundamental defense strategy. This might include questioning the credibility of witnesses, the accuracy of accident reports, or the preservation of evidence. If the evidence against you is weak or unreliable, it can lead to a dismissal or reduction of charges.

7. Constitutional Violations

If your rights were violated during the investigation or arrest, you might have grounds to challenge the charges. This could involve improper stops, searches, or interrogations by law enforcement. Demonstrating that your constitutional rights were violated can result in the exclusion of evidence or even a dismissal of the case.

Facing a leaving the scene of an accident charge in New York can be daunting, but there are several effective defense strategies that can be employed to fight the ticket. Whether it’s proving lack of knowledge, demonstrating no damage or injury, showing compliance with legal obligations, or challenging the sufficiency of evidence, a strong defense can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

How a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help

At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we understand that facing a traffic ticket for leaving the scene of an accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. The potential consequences are severe, ranging from fines and points on your license to possible jail time and increased insurance premiums. However, with the right legal representation, you can effectively navigate this challenging situation. Here’s how our experienced traffic ticket lawyers can help you:

Comprehensive Case Evaluation

When you contact our firm, we begin with a thorough evaluation of your case. We review all the details of the incident, including police reports, witness statements, and any available evidence. This initial assessment allows us to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your case and develop a tailored defense strategy.

Expert Legal Advice

Navigating traffic laws and regulations can be complex. Our team provides you with clear, expert legal advice on the charges you’re facing and the potential outcomes. We explain your rights, the legal process, and what to expect at each stage of your case, ensuring you are fully informed and prepared.

Developing a Strong Defense

Based on our evaluation, we develop a robust defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case. This may include:

  • Proving Lack of Knowledge: Demonstrating that you were unaware an accident occurred.
  • Challenging Evidence: Questioning the accuracy and reliability of the prosecution’s evidence.
  • Presenting Alibis: Providing evidence or witnesses to confirm you were not the driver involved.
  • Highlighting Compliance: Showing that you attempted to fulfill your legal obligations.

Our goal is to create the most compelling defense to challenge the charges against you.

Negotiating with Prosecutors

Our lawyers are skilled negotiators who work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. We engage with prosecutors to discuss your case, aiming to reduce the charges or secure a dismissal. Our negotiation skills can often lead to more favorable resolutions without the need for a trial.

Court Representation

If your case goes to court, having an experienced attorney by your side is crucial. We represent you in all court appearances, presenting your defense, cross-examining witnesses, and challenging the prosecution’s evidence. Our courtroom experience and knowledge of traffic laws give you a strong advantage in fighting the charges.

Minimizing Penalties

Even if a conviction cannot be avoided, we strive to minimize the penalties you face. This can include negotiating lesser fines, reducing points on your license, or seeking alternatives to jail time, such as community service or probation. Our objective is to mitigate the impact on your life as much as possible.

Protecting Your Driving Record

A traffic ticket for leaving the scene of an accident can significantly affect your driving record and insurance premiums. We work to protect your driving record by aiming for a reduction or dismissal of charges, helping you avoid increased insurance rates and potential license suspension.

At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we are dedicated to providing top-notch legal representation to individuals facing traffic tickets for leaving the scene of an accident. Our comprehensive approach, from case evaluation to courtroom defense, ensures that you have the best possible chance of a favorable outcome. If you’ve been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, don’t navigate this challenging situation alone. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help you protect your rights and your future.

What To Do After Getting a Ticket for Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Receiving a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident can be a daunting experience, but taking the right steps immediately afterward can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Here are some crucial actions to take if you find yourself in this situation:

1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

It’s natural to feel stressed and anxious after receiving a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident. However, it’s important to stay calm and assess the situation objectively. Take a moment to collect your thoughts and consider the details of the incident, as they will be important for your defense.

2. Gather Evidence

Collecting evidence is critical in defending against the charge. If possible, return to the accident scene and take photographs of the area, any damage, and any relevant road signs or conditions. Gather contact information from any witnesses who may have seen the accident or your subsequent actions. This evidence can be invaluable in building your defense.

3. Document Your Recollection

Write down your recollection of the events as soon as possible while they are still fresh in your mind. Include details such as the time and location of the accident, the weather conditions, the sequence of events, and any actions you took immediately following the incident. This documentation can help clarify the circumstances and support your defense.

4. Report the Incident

If you did not report the accident at the time it occurred, do so as soon as possible. Contact the local police department to file an accident report and provide all necessary information. Reporting the accident promptly demonstrates your willingness to comply with legal requirements and can mitigate potential penalties.

5. Avoid Discussing the Incident

Be cautious about discussing the incident with anyone other than your attorney. Statements made to friends, family, or on social media can be used against you in court. It’s best to limit conversations about the case to discussions with your legal counsel.

6. Contact a Traffic Ticket Lawyer

One of the most important steps you can take is to contact an experienced traffic ticket lawyer. A skilled attorney can provide you with expert legal advice, evaluate the details of your case, and develop a strong defense strategy. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we specialize in traffic ticket defense and can guide you through the legal process to achieve the best possible outcome.

7. Attend All Court Dates

Failing to appear in court can result in additional penalties and negatively impact your case. Ensure that you attend all scheduled court dates and hearings. Your attorney can represent you in court and advocate on your behalf, but your presence is often necessary and demonstrates your commitment to resolving the matter responsibly.

8. Follow Legal Advice

Listen to and follow the advice of your attorney throughout the process. They have the experience and knowledge to navigate the complexities of traffic laws and can provide guidance on the best course of action for your specific case. Adhering to their recommendations can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

9. Prepare for Possible Outcomes

Understand the potential outcomes of your case, including fines, points on your license, and possible jail time. Your attorney will discuss these possibilities with you and work to minimize the impact. Being prepared for various scenarios can help you manage expectations and make informed decisions.

Receiving a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident is a serious matter, but taking the right steps can help protect your rights and improve your chances of a positive outcome.

Why Choose The Law Office of Craig Bondy?

When facing a serious charge like leaving the scene of an accident, you need a dedicated and experienced legal team on your side. The Law Office of Craig Bondy has been a trusted name in traffic court defense throughout the Tri-State area since 1986. Here’s why you should choose us to handle your case:

Decades of Experience

With over three decades of experience, The Law Office of Craig Bondy has an extensive track record of successfully defending clients in traffic court. Our deep understanding of traffic laws, court procedures, and effective defense strategies allows us to provide top-notch legal representation. We have handled countless cases like yours, giving us the insight and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of your situation.

Focus On Traffic Law Defense

Traffic law is our specialty. Unlike general practice firms that handle a wide range of legal issues, our firm is dedicated exclusively to traffic court cases. This specialized focus means that we stay current with the latest developments in traffic law and can offer the most effective defense strategies tailored to your specific charges.

Personalized Legal Strategy

Every case is unique, and we believe in providing personalized attention to each of our clients. We take the time to understand the details of your situation, listen to your concerns, and develop a defense strategy that addresses the specific circumstances of your case. Our goal is to achieve the best possible outcome for you, whether that means reducing the charges, negotiating a favorable plea deal, or securing a dismissal.

Proven Results

Our firm has a proven track record of success. We have helped countless clients avoid severe penalties, keep their driving records clean, and minimize the impact of traffic tickets on their lives. Our ability to achieve positive results is a testament to our experience, dedication, and commitment to our clients.

Aggressive Defense

We are known for our aggressive defense tactics. When you choose The Law Office of Craig Bondy, you can be confident that we will fight tirelessly on your behalf. We thoroughly investigate every aspect of your case, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, and advocate for your rights at every step of the legal process. Our goal is to protect you from the harsh consequences of a traffic conviction.

Local Knowledge

Our extensive experience in the Tri-State area means we have a deep understanding of the local court systems, judges, and prosecutors. This local knowledge allows us to navigate the nuances of each jurisdiction effectively and leverage our relationships within the legal community to your advantage.

Comprehensive Support

Facing a traffic ticket can be stressful and overwhelming. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we provide comprehensive support to guide you through the process. From your initial consultation to the resolution of your case, we are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and provide the support you need to feel confident and informed.

Client-Centered Approach

We prioritize our clients’ needs and work diligently to ensure their satisfaction. Our client-centered approach means that you will always receive prompt, respectful, and professional service. We are committed to being accessible and responsive, keeping you updated on the progress of your case, and providing the guidance you need to make informed decisions.

Choosing the right legal representation can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. The Law Office of Craig Bondy offers the experience, specialized focus, proven results, and client-centered approach you need to fight a leaving the scene of an accident charge effectively.

Secure a Better Future with The Law Office of Craig Bondy

At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we understand that facing a leaving the scene of an accident ticket can have serious consequences for your future. However, with our experienced legal team on your side, you can secure a better future. Our personalized legal strategy, proven results, aggressive defense tactics, local knowledge, comprehensive support, and client-centered approach set us apart from other firms. We are dedicated to fighting for your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Don’t leave your future to chance—contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us provide the robust defense you deserve.




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