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What are the different types of speed limit zones that exist?

What are the different types of speed limit zones that exist?

Speed limits work much like any other regulations or laws here in the United States. They vary by state and the type of road or area.

There are three primary types of speed limits. These include statutory, posted and special conditions.

Statutory speed limits are those that state lawmakers set. Examples of statutory speed limits include school zone, rural highway and interstate speeds.

Posted speed limits are the same as regulatory limits. While many signs that you may see along the roadway may align with statutory speed limits, they may also deviate from them. Cities, counties or state transportation officials may have the authority to set these speed limits depending on the roadway location.

There are instances in which a city or county may have a consistent speed limit throughout its boundaries. It’s not uncommon for these jurisdictions to conduct engineering studies to determine what the appropriate speed in the area should be. Local government officials generally post speed limit signs along city or county borders so that motorists are aware of any new area regulations in the area.

Special conditions speed limits are ones that apply to certain restricted areas such as work or school zones. Variable ones may exist in areas where there’s an auto accident, congestion, construction work or inclement weather. Lawmakers set advisory speeds along small sections of roadways such as exit ramps or around sharp curves.

Motorists often end up getting pulled over for speed limit violations on open roads, in unfamiliar areas or where there are significant fluctuations regarding how fast drivers can go. An attorney who handles speeding tickets can defend you in your moving violation case here in New York City so that you don’t lose points on your driver’s license.




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