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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

Ny Law Enforcement Officials Steps Up Efforts For Holiday Week

The Fourth of July is a celebratory time of year when New Yorkers come together with their families and friends for food, fun, and fireworks. As they celebrate the independence of the nation, partygoers may indulge in tasty treats and…

Can a Driver Refute an Officer’s Claim of Speeding?

Law enforcement officials have many ways of catching speeding drivers in New York. They may sit on the sides of roads with their laser guns at the ready, prepared to catch speeders in the crosshairs of their devices. Or, they…

Drivers May Be Sanctioned For Passing Stopped School Buses

Many New York children ride school buses to get to school. From kindergartners to high school students, many youths rely on school buses for their safe passage to and from their homes. Therefore, drivers throughout the state are likely used…

Does New York Have a Hands-free Cell Phone Law?

Texting is an important form of communication in today’s busy world. It is often the way that parents stay in touch with their kids, how bosses reach out to their employees, and even the way that schools communicate with the…

Protect Driving Rights With Strong Defense

Not long ago, this blog discussed using an emergency as a defense to a speeding allegation. While some defenses may give drivers the option of pleading down or overcoming the legal claims against them, others may not be effective in…

A Review of New York’s Drunk Driving Laws

The state of New York takes drunk driving seriously and imposes significant penalties on individuals accused and convicted of driving with alcohol in their systems. It is important that drivers understand the laws if they are charged with drunk driving,…

Is an Emergency a Good Defense to a Speeding Ticket?

When a person exceeds the posted speed limit, they may be considered speeding. Speeding is punishable under the law, and when a New York driver accumulates too many points based on speeding, they may lose their driving privileges. While an…

Legal Options For Texting and Driving Tickets

New York residents should take their tickets seriously. Whether they are incurred for allegedly driving too fast, driving while distracted, or driving in violation of local traffic laws, tickets can add up and mean big trouble for individuals who depend…

How Do A Moving Violation And A Nonmoving Violation Differ?

There are a number of different driving infractions that New Yorkers can be charged with. While these infractions can be classified into different types of actions, one of the most basic groupings that vehicle-based violations can take is either a…

New York Partners with Other States to Catch Speeding Drivers

A speeding ticket is a nuisance at best and a serious legal matter at worst. New York drivers who have been stopped for allegedly speeding on New York roads understand the stress and financial strain that accumulating tickets may have.…



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