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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

Get Legal Help for Texting and Driving Allegations in New York

Not long ago this New York traffic violation defense legal blog offered readers a detailed and informative post on what texting and driving actually means under New York law. Texting and driving does not only apply to the act of…

How NY’s Driver Violation Point System Impacts Driving Privileges

In sports, it can be advantageous for someone to accumulate as many points as possible. This is because under most sets of rules, the person with the most points at the end of the game wins. However, the opposite is…

Why Is It Sometimes Illegal to Make a U-turn in New York?

A U-turn is a specific type of driving maneuver. It happens when a driver changes the direction of their vehicle while staying on the same road. For example, a driver may be traveling west on a street and may be…

Understanding Right of Way Laws on New York Roads

Readers of this blog may have encountered this common situation. They are driving along and come to a stop sign, where they come to a full stop. However, they reach the intersection at the same time as another driver. Who…

What Does Texting and Driving Mean Under New York Law?

Smart phones have become a staple in New York residents’ backpacks, purses, and pockets. It is rare to find a person who has never used one of these powerful handheld devices and many people own them for use in their…

Can You Be Sent to Jail for Speeding in New York?

Under the law, a New York driver is speeding if they operate their car above the posted speed limit in a particular area or zone. Therefore, a person driving 27 miles per hour in a 25 miles per hour zone…

Mistakes and Issues Can Impact Field Sobriety Test Results

As some readers may not know, field sobriety tests are physical assessments that law enforcement officials implement to determine if drivers are operating their vehicles while intoxicated. Many jurisdictions, including New York, use several standardized tests to examine drivers’ sobriety…

Representation For Individuals Facing Alleged Traffic Violations

The Fourth of July is a popular time of year for New York residents to pack up their vehicles and take road trips for vacations with family and friends. While most people enjoy relaxing outings with the people who mean…

Speed Limits Change Frequently on New York Controlled Highways

One of the few places that a New Yorker can legally drive 65 miles per hour is on a controlled highway, and only then if the location where they are operating their vehicle is posted as having such a limit.…

Texting Regulations Now Apply to Commercial Carriers

Many states including New York have penalized texting and driving as a form of distracted driving. Legislators hope to protect individuals from harm by making it illegal for motor vehicle operators to use smartphones and other hand-held electronic devices while…



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