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Is a DWI a Felony in NY?

Is a DWI a Felony in NY?

Have you ever wondered if a DWI charge in New York could result in a felony conviction? Understanding the legal implications of a DWI is crucial, especially in a state like New York with strict laws surrounding driving under the influence. In New York, a DWI charge can have varying degrees of severity, depending on the circumstances. If you’re facing a DWI charge, it’s important to be informed about the potential outcomes and legal ramifications. The expertise of a knowledgeable DWI attorney, such as Craig Bondy, can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. Let’s delve into the specifics of DWI charges in New York and what it means for you.

Is a DWI a Felony in NY?

What is a DWI in NY?

In New York State, a DWI, or Driving While Intoxicated, refers to the criminal offense of operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The key elements of a DWI charge involve the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC) or impairment level.

New York law defines intoxication with a BAC of 0.08% or higher for individuals over 21 years old. For drivers under 21, the legal limit is 0.01%, and for commercial drivers, it’s 0.04%. If you’re found to be impaired by drugs, whether they are prescription, over-the-counter, or illegal substances, you can also be charged with a DWI.

A DWI charge can be categorized into several degrees, depending on the severity of the offense and prior convictions. The first offense is typically considered a misdemeanor, but subsequent offenses or certain aggravating factors can elevate the charge. Additionally, the presence of other aggravating factors, such as driving with a high BAC, having a child passenger, or causing injury or death, can result in more severe penalties.

Understanding the implications of a DWI charge in New York is crucial, as it can have significant legal and personal consequences. It’s important to consult with a skilled defense attorney to navigate the complexities of DWI laws and protect your rights.

Is a DWI a Felony in NY?

In New York State, a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) is generally classified as a misdemeanor for a first-time offense. However, under certain circumstances, a DWI can escalate to a felony, which carries more severe penalties. Understanding these conditions is crucial for anyone facing such charges.

Felony DWI Conditions:

Repeat Offenses: If you have been convicted of a DWI or DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) within the past 10 years, a subsequent DWI offense will be classified as a felony. This includes both DWI and DWAI convictions.

Aggravated DWI: If your BAC is 0.18% or higher, or if you are found driving under the influence with a child passenger under the age of 16, the charge can be elevated to an Aggravated DWI. This can be classified as a felony, particularly if there are multiple aggravating factors.

Injury or Death: If your impaired driving results in injury or death, you could face felony charges, such as Vehicular Assault or Vehicular Manslaughter, depending on the circumstances and the severity of the harm caused.

The legal consequences of a felony DWI are more severe than those of a misdemeanor, including higher fines, longer license suspensions, and possible imprisonment. The impact on your record can also be profound, affecting future employment opportunities and personal reputation.

Navigating the complexities of a DWI charge, especially when facing felony implications, requires expert legal guidance. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we specialize in defending clients against DWI charges, ensuring that your rights are protected and working to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. If you’re dealing with a DWI charge, contact us today to discuss your situation and get the experienced representation you need.

Penalties of a DWI Conviction

The penalties for a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) conviction in New York State can vary depending on several factors, including the degree of the offense, any prior convictions, and whether aggravating circumstances are present. Here’s an overview of the potential consequences:


First Offense (Misdemeanor): Fines range from $500 to $1,000.
Second Offense (within 10 years) or Aggravated DWI: Fines increase to between $1,000 and $5,000.
Felony Offenses: Fines can reach up to $10,000 or more, depending on the nature of the offense.

License Suspension or Revocation

First Offense: Typically, a license suspension of 6 months is imposed.
Second Offense: A suspension of at least 1 year, or revocation, depending on the specifics of the case.
Felony DWI: The license may be revoked for a longer period, often several years, and may require the completion of a conditional license program before reinstatement.

Jail Time

First Offense: Up to 1 year in county jail.
Second Offense: Up to 4 years in state prison.
Felony DWI: Potentially 1 to 7 years in state prison, depending on the degree and severity of the offense.

Mandatory Alcohol Education and Treatment Programs

First Offense: Participation in a Drinking Driver Program (DDP) or alcohol education program may be required.
Repeat Offenses: More extensive treatment programs or counseling may be mandated.


First Offense: Probation terms can range from 3 to 5 years.
Repeat Offenses or Felonies: Longer probation periods may be imposed, often accompanied by stricter conditions.

Vehicle Impoundment

Certain Offenses: The court may order the impoundment of your vehicle, especially in cases involving repeat offenses or aggravating factors.

Additional Consequences

Criminal Record: A DWI conviction results in a permanent criminal record, which can affect employment opportunities, professional licenses, and personal reputation.
Insurance Costs: Your auto insurance premiums are likely to increase significantly, and some insurers may choose to cancel your policy altogether.

Given the severity of these penalties, it’s essential to seek experienced legal representation to navigate the complexities of a DWI charge and mitigate the potential consequences. The Law Office of Craig Bondy is dedicated to providing comprehensive defense for DWI cases, ensuring that your rights are protected and working towards the best possible outcome for your situation. If you’re facing a DWI charge, contact us to discuss your case and explore your options for defense.

How a DWI Lawyer Can Help

Navigating a DWI charge in New York can be complex and daunting, but with the right legal representation, you can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we are committed to providing you with the expert defense you need to address your DWI charge effectively.

Legal Expertise and Strategy

Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly review the details of your case, including the circumstances of your arrest, evidence collected, and any procedural errors that may have occurred. We develop a strategic defense plan tailored to your specific situation, aiming to challenge the validity of the charges or seek reductions in penalties.

Navigating the Legal System

A DWI charge involves navigating both criminal court and the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for administrative proceedings. Our team will guide you through every step of the process, representing you in court and handling DMV hearings to minimize the impact on your driving privileges.

Negotiation with Prosecutors

We leverage our experience and understanding of local legal practices to negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf. Whether it’s seeking a plea deal to reduce charges or advocating for a more lenient sentence, we work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Mitigating Penalties

In cases where a conviction is unavoidable, our focus shifts to mitigating the penalties you face. We advocate for reduced fines, shorter license suspensions, and alternative sentencing options, such as alcohol treatment programs, to help minimize the long-term consequences of your conviction.

Protecting Your Rights

Our priority is to protect your constitutional rights throughout the legal process. We ensure that any evidence used against you was obtained legally and that your rights were not violated during the arrest or prosecution.

Providing Support and Guidance

We understand the stress and uncertainty that come with a DWI charge. Our team is here to provide you with compassionate support, keeping you informed and prepared at every stage of your case.

At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we are dedicated to offering you the comprehensive legal support needed to navigate a DWI charge effectively. If you are facing a DWI allegation, contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in achieving the best possible result. Your future is important, and we are here to help protect it.

What To Do If You Have Been Charged with a DWI in New York

Facing a DWI charge in New York can be overwhelming, but taking the right steps can help protect your rights and improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Here’s what you should do if you find yourself charged with a DWI:

  1. Stay Calm and Composed: Remain respectful and polite during interactions with law enforcement. Avoid making statements that could be used against you. Your primary goal at this stage is to comply with the police without admitting guilt or providing self-incriminating information.
  2. Contact an Experienced DWI Lawyer: Seek legal representation immediately. The complexities of DWI charges require a knowledgeable attorney who can navigate the legal system effectively. At The Law Office of Craig Bondy, we specialize in DWI defense and can provide expert guidance and representation from the moment you’re charged.
  3. Attend Your Arraignment: Show up for your court date. During the arraignment, the charges against you will be formally presented, and you will enter a plea. Your lawyer will help you understand the charges and assist in entering a plea that aligns with your defense strategy.
  4. Understand the Charges and Penalties: Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your charge. Knowing the potential penalties and legal ramifications of a DWI conviction can help you make informed decisions. Your attorney will explain the charges and the possible outcomes of your case.
  5. Request a DMV Hearing: Schedule a DMV hearing to contest the administrative suspension of your driver’s license. In New York, you have a limited time to request this hearing, and your attorney can represent you in this process to potentially retain your driving privileges.
  6. Gather Evidence and Documentation: Collect any relevant evidence related to your case, such as witness statements, video footage, or documents related to your arrest. This information can be crucial in building your defense.
  7. Prepare for Court: Follow your attorney’s advice on preparing for court. This includes understanding the courtroom procedures, attending all required hearings, and cooperating with your legal team to build a strong defense.
  8. Consider Your Options: Discuss all possible outcomes with your attorney, including plea deals, trial options, and potential defenses. Your lawyer will help you weigh the pros and cons of each option to determine the best course of action for your case.
  9. Comply with Legal Requirements: Adhere to any court orders or legal requirements, such as attending alcohol education programs or submitting to drug testing. Compliance can demonstrate your willingness to address the issue and may positively impact the court’s decisions.
  10. Stay Informed and Communicate: Maintain open communication with your attorney throughout the process. Stay informed about the progress of your case and promptly address any questions or concerns with your legal team.

If you’ve been charged with a DWI in New York, taking these steps can help you navigate the legal challenges ahead. The Law Office of Craig Bondy is here to provide you with the experienced representation and support you need. Contact us today to discuss your case and learn how we can help you secure the best possible outcome.

Dealing with a DWI in NY? Contact The Law Office of Craig Bondy

If you’ve been charged with a DWI in New York, it’s crucial to have an experienced legal advocate on your side to navigate the complexities of your case and protect your rights. The Law Office of Craig Bondy is dedicated to providing comprehensive defense strategies and expert guidance to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Don’t face these challenges alone—contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss your case. Our team is here to offer the support and representation you need during this critical time. Reach out to The Law Office of Craig Bondy and take the first step toward securing your future.




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