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Brain Chemistry Can Make People Want to Text And Drive

Brain Chemistry Can Make People Want to Text And Drive

You have probably seen drivers texting behind the wheel. That text message they received from their youngster or significant other must have seemed so urgent at the moment. Urgent enough, in fact, so they couldn’t wait to pull over and answer it safely.

When people text while driving, they are taking a chance. Maybe nothing bad has happened to them so far. That is fortunate. What about next time though? Or the time after that? There is no way of telling when their luck may no longer hold.

Everybody is aware of the dangers of texting and driving. No safe way to do both exists. Anything that intrudes upon a driver mentally or visually creates a definite hazard. “The odds of crashing if you’re texting while driving is eight times the normal rate…” states the American Safety Council. That statistic alone should get anyone who uses their phone to send texts while they drive to stop – but many drivers still do it. Why?

It’s All in Your Head – Literally

Texting with cell phones has become a normal feature of daily life. Doing it is practically second nature, especially while on the road.

There is an intriguing idea that may explain why people do it even when driving. Using social media platforms and texting, according to one distracted driving authority, sparks a minor surge of dopamine, a brain chemical that can lead to an exhilaration response.

People crave that sensation. They try to experience it any way they can, despite perilous circumstances. The urge for that joyous feeling associated with dopamine can occasionally supersede common sense.

Texting and Driving in New York has Significant Ramifications

Texting and driving in New York puts you and others in jeopardy. You can also be penalized with a surcharge, ticket and fine. If that happens, you might want someone who understands the situation to talk for you in court.




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