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Traffic Violations

Is It Ever Legal to Drive Without a License in New York?

Welcome to the latest blog post from the Law Office of Craig Bondy, a premier legal firm specializing in traffic law in New York City. Today, we're addressing a common question that often confuses residents and visitors alike: Is it…

Consequences of Driving Without a License in NY

What Are the Consequences of Driving Without a License in New York? Driving is a privilege, not a right, and in New York, as in the rest of the United States, it’s illegal to operate a vehicle without a valid…

Consequences of Disobeying a Traffic Control Device in NY

When driving on the bustling streets of New York, adhering to traffic rules is paramount for ensuring safety and maintaining order. Among these rules, obeying traffic control devices is critical. The Law Office of Craig Bondy, with years of experience…

What To Do If You Have a Restricted License in NY

If you've recently found yourself with a restricted driver's license in New York, you're not alone. A restricted license is a common consequence for various traffic-related offenses, including DUI/DWI, reckless driving, or accumulating too many points on your driving record.…

How Many Points Is a Cell Phone Ticket in New York?

In a rapidly advancing digital age, staying connected through smartphones has become an essential part of our lives. However, when it comes to driving, New York State takes distracted driving seriously. Traffic violations result in points on your driving record,…

Traffic Tickets in NYC: 9 Steps To Take After

Receiving traffic tickets in NYC can be a daunting experience. You might be filled with questions and uncertainty about the process ahead. Fortunately, with over three decades of experience in defending all forms of traffic tickets in New York, the…

Factors to Keep in Mind When Driving in School Zones

New York is a busy location comprising over eight million people. There are a lot of cars on the road but this isn’t the only form of transport out there. Many kids choose to walk to school with their friends.…

How the Driver Responsibility Assessment Works in New York

If you receive citations or tickets in New York, there is a point when you may have to undergo the Driver Responsibility Assessment. This is a fee that must be paid to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles over…

How a New York Traffic Ticket Will Follow You Home

If you’re among the millions of visitors coming into New York this summer from as near as New Jersey and as far as the West Coast, you may end up getting a traffic ticket. Law enforcement officers are particularly out…

Why You Should Never Leave the Scene After an Accident

If you’ve ever driven in New York traffic, you know it can be a nightmare. Not only that, but the potential of an accident is high. While no one wants to be in an accident or deal with the aftermath,…



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