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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

How much will a speeding ticket affect your insurance costs?

Getting pulled over for driving too fast is more than just inconvenient. It can also lead to an expensive traffic ticket, which could cost you as much as $600 in fines if you were going quite a bit over the…

Do Drivers Always Have To Stop For Pedestrians?

If you see a pedestrian in the road, decide you have the right of way and continue ahead, running into them, you will face the consequences. Yet, if pedestrians could step into the road whenever they want and expect cars…

Yes, drugged driving is drunk driving

Although drunk driving charges are seen as something that happens after a person ingests too much alcohol and gets caught, you should know that penalties for driving under the influence also apply to those who are impaired by drugs. Whether…

Using a Phone While Driving is Bad: Here’s Why People Still Do it

You’ve seen all the public service announcements, and you know that New York is pretty aggressive about passing out tickets for hand-held cellphone use behind the wheel. So why do drivers keep doing it? More than a third of drivers…

Deciding whether you should fight against a New York DUI

New York has some of the most severe drunk driving laws in the nation. For example, a first offense DUI conviction could mean the loss of your driving license for no fewer than six months. First-time offenders also risk serving…

Do You Know What a Driver Responsibility Assessment is?

If you’ve been cited for a traffic infraction, then there may be a driver responsibility assessment (DRA) that you have to pay the New York Department of Motor Vehicles for the next three years. State officials generally only impose a…

How can you defend against a cellphone ticket?

New York police make a considerable effort to catch people they believe are on their phones while driving. The penalties for cellphone use behind the wheel are tough, so it is crucial to investigate all avenues of defense if charged.…

Can you trick a field sobriety test by practicing?

Police officers who suspect someone of driving after having too much to drink will usually conduct two different kinds of tests. Chemical tests can detect the presence of alcohol or drugs in the body. Field sobriety tests help check someone…

What You Need To Know About Third Offense Dwi In New York State

Three or more DWI-related convictions in New York State within 10 years can result in a permanent revocation of your driver’s license. And while you can request for a waiver after five months of revocation, it is important to understand…

Don’t let the rush of the day lead to a speeding ticket

Time is a valuable commodity. Many motorists give themselves the least amount of time possible to get somewhere just to get in a few extra minutes of sleep, savor a meal or some other reason. While everyone can benefit from…



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Craig Bondy

225 Broadway, Room 850
New York, NY 10007
phone: 212-257-8321

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