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New York Traffic Violations Legal Blog

What should you do if you receive a TLC summons?

New York’s Taxi & Limousine Commission handles the issuance and revocation of “hack licenses” that are necessary for drivers to legally transport people. One of the most harrowing events that can happen for these drivers is to receive a summons…

What should you know about drunk driving crashes?

When many people think of drunk driving cases, they automatically consider the criminal aspect of it. This is often the most pressing matter for the defendant, but it might not be the only legal case they have to deal with.…

These Traffic Violations Could Land You in Trouble With the Law

Citizens in New York make use of the roads for a variety of reasons. Many people rely on using their car to get to work each day. Others need to take the children to and from school. Driving privileges can…

Why Texting and Driving is Simply a Bad Idea

While cellphone technology and driving play an important role in the daily lives of many people across New York, the two should generally not be mixed. There are numerous reasons for this, with safety and legality being at the top…

Can a speeding ticket hurt my job prospects?

New York has some of the nation’s strictest speed limit laws. The state’s absolute speed limit law means that you cannot argue a speeding ticket on the grounds that you were traveling safely even though you exceeded the designated speed…

What does reasonable suspicion mean?

Contrary to popular belief, police officers can’t initiate a traffic stop simply because they want to irritate the driver. Instead, they’re supposed to have a reason for conducting the stop. Often, this hinges on reasonable suspicion that a law or…

Restoring Your Suspended Ny License Due to Traffic Violations

Until June 29, 2021, almost any New York motorists who had racked up unpaid traffic fines and fees could have their registrations and driver’s licenses suspended. The Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act put an end to that. The result could…

What is the Driver Responsibility Assessment?

People in New York who receive a traffic ticket must ensure they understand their options to deal with that ticket. New York uses a points system that has consequences for those who accumulate points. Some individuals will have to pay…

What Happens If You Leave The Scene Of An Accident In New York?

The roads in New York can be hazardous at the best of times. Unfortunately, this means the accidents are a frequent occurrence. Vehicular accidents are an unpleasant experience for anyone involved. If you panic and leave the scene of a…

Failing To Yield Is A Crime In New York

When you’re driving in New York, the expectation is that you will drive at the correct speed for the conditions. If there are pedestrians around you, then that means that you should be slowing down and focusing on the road…



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New York, NY 10007
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